Intern - Therapy

Job | Posted 5 months ago
Employment Type
Start Date
Valid Through
Position Areas
Special Education


Internships Specifications: This position exclusively pertains to students assigned by the Director of Clinical Education or Academic Fieldwork Coordinator from their university/college pursuing their Level I or II internship.

Intern Job Responsibilities:

Level I

Become familiar with administration and scoring of a least one pediatric standardized assessment tool via observation with CI or self-study. Become familiar with common frames of references and treatment approaches in pediatrics. Become familiar with common medical and therapy diagnosis treated in pediatrics. Become familiar with the characteristics of hypertonicity, and fluctuating muscle tone thought observations and hands on experience. Become familiar with the characteristics of characteristics of sensory processing, difficulties such as defensiveness, modulation, registration, and integration. Become familiar with therapeutic equipment and supplies and their clinical uses and benefits. Begin to identify how to adapt therapeutic activities and environment to client’s level and desire outcome/skills. Become to develop clinical observation skills re: client’s posture/movement, sensory processing skills, fine/visual motor skills, coordination, behavior, and social interactions. Begin to develop treatment planning skills to link areas of impairment to limitations in client’s ability to engage in developmentally appropriate occupational roles and tasks. Become familiar with goal writing process including setting criteria and priorities. Become familiar with the roles of other members of the team. Work in collaboration with them -PT’s, SLP’s, Family Services Staff, Education staff and parents/caregivers. Become familiar with home programs and parent training related to client’s treatment plan. Observe and assist in treatment sessions; engage in clinical discussions with Clinical Instructor. Observe and assist with evaluation/re-evaluation if opportunity is available. Attend team meeting if opportunity is available. Review CI documentation: ask questions related to information read. Complete chart reviews, review assessment tools, manuals, and research relevant diagnosis. Complete written observations for each assigned treatment session, evaluation, and/or re-evaluation; discuss findings daily with CI. Complete self-evaluation.

Level II

Demonstrate competence in the administration, scoring and interpretation of common pediatric standardized and non-standardized assessment tools. Demonstrate competence in gathering pertinent evaluation data via parent interview and clinical observation skills. Demonstrate competence in interpreting formal and informal assessment results and determining eligibility and needs for direct intervention, referral to other services and other recommendations. Demonstrate competence in knowledge of normal development, discipline frames of reference and common/evidence-based treatment approaches in pediatrics. Demonstrate competence in knowledge of common medical and therapeutic diagnoses in pediatrics. Demonstrate competence with the use of common pediatric therapeutic equipment and materials. Demonstrate competence in selecting adapting therapeutic activities to clients’ level and goals. Demonstrate competence in the therapeutic use-of-self and environmental considerations/adaptations based on clients’ needs and goals (i.e., child versus adult directed activities). Demonstrate competence in developing treatment plans incorporating client’s strength, prioritized areas of weakness and family goals/concerns. Demonstrate competence with goal writing, including measurable criteria. Prioritization and client’s prognosis/therapeutic potential. Demonstrate competence in documentation skills, including all agency required paperwork. Demonstrate competence in working in collaboration with all other members of intervention team. Demonstrate competence in developing home programs and providing parent instruction and training. Demonstrate competence in self-responsibility for professional development, including identifying areas of need and proactively seeking information to improve skills and knowledge. Demonstrate competence in cross-cultural sensitivity and awareness. Demonstrate project and professional presentation to staff. Demonstrate competence in professional communication and interpersonal skills with colleagues, families, and clients.

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UCP of Central Florida Charter Schools - Administration

4780 Data Court , Orlando, FL 32817

At the following locations

UCP of Central Florida Charter Schools - Administration

4780 Data Court , Orlando, FL 32817